Sunday, six printmakers drove down snowy roads to gather at Michele Augeri's house in Newbury. A few of us brought transformed collaborative prints (from the session at Mary's studio) and prints-in-progress. We'll continue these critiques at our next meeting.
We talked about other ways to collaborate. An idea that everyone liked was for each printmaker to create a 6" x 6" print, to be mounted on a masonite support. These would be put together (either hung or arranged on a pedestal for display at our summer NAA exhibition) and would also offer an easy solution for post card images. What do you think? We ended the meeting with a tour of Michele's studio.
A tentative schedule for future meetings/outings:
Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 7:00 PM Newburyport Art Association
A Friday toward the end of March Field trip to see the Boston Printmakers Biennial at Boston University.
A weekday in April Hands-on workshop, probably at Indigo Studio
May Planning meeting for NAA show.